Home Invasion

Cooper S M R
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Home Invasion

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Amy Cho is an ordinary wife and mother, living in an ordinary house with her husband and two young daughters. She deals with the sorts of things most families deal with: colic, plumbers, electricians. But ever since a tremor shook the town, Amy's been experiencing strange phenomena. At first, she blames fatigue and faulty wiring. Then an angry smoking man appears in the middle of her living room and vanishes before her eyes, and Amy realizes she needs more help than the local exterminator can provide. She calls on her friends Sara MacGilvey and Del Vaaslo, who are no strangers to paranormal activity. But when they launch an investigation, they soon discover that the entities in Amy's house are not the run-of-the-mill variety. In fact, these ghosts seem determined to keep Amy's daughters for themselves, and, as Amy and Sara struggle to protect the children, the ghosts launch an attack that endangers everyone in the house. Will a mother's love be enough to overcome these dark forces? Or will her family be lost forever?