Animals In Action

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Animals In Action

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A bald eagle leaps from a tree... bison lock horns in battle... & grizzly bears snatch fish from a river in the pages of ANIMALS IN ACTION. Thrilling photos of these & other animals combine with stories & facts about life in the wild to create a must for any family library & a unique resource for elementary & middle school educators. A six year long survey of the books checked out by elementary & middle school students shows an increased interest in wildlife photography over illustrations. Young readers want stories about habitat, survival behavior & daily activities. One reason for this increase is that elementary & middle schools are continually adding courses about wildlife, endangered species, ecosystems & our national parks to their curriculum. ANIMALS IN ACTION gives them what they want: stories & annotations about life in the wild & individual animal behavior, combined with over 30 dynamic full-color photos. Not only is this information fun to read, but it is also scientifically correct, making ANIMALS IN ACTION a must for the family library