Meaning Of Matthew

Shepard Judy
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Meaning Of Matthew

Product Description

Today the name Matthew Shepard is synonymous with gay rights, but until 1998, he was just Judy Shepard's son. In this remarkably candid memoir, Judy Shepard shares the story behind the headlines. Interweaving memories of Matthew and her family with the challenges of confronting her son's death, Judy describes how she handled the crippling loss of her child in the public eye, the vigils and protests held by strangers in her son's name, and ultimately how she and her husband gained the courage to help prosecutors convict her son's murderers. The Meaning of Matthew is more than a retelling of horrific injustice that brought the reality of inequality and homophobia into the American consciousness. It is an unforgettable and inspiring account of how one ordinary woman turned an unthinkable tragedy into a vital message for the world.

ISBN 9780452296381Binding None